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Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Limitations of AI in Commercial Real Estate

The Limitations of AI in Commercial Real Estate

Reflections on the current state of AI for Commercial Real Estate in 2024. 

Written by: Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM - CEO/President of TheAnalyst PRO

While AI has made significant strides in various industries, its application in CRE comes with certain limitations. Understanding these limitations is crucial for professionals who rely on accurate data and analysis.

1. Data Quality and Accuracy

AI algorithms are only as good as the data they are fed. In CRE, data accuracy is paramount. AI systems often rely on internet sources to gather information, which can sometimes be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect. 
AI Lacks Necessary Precision

Unlike platforms like TheAnalyst PRO, AI can sometimes present information that lacks the necessary precision for high-stakes decision-making in CRE. TheAnalyst PRO’s complex and tested algorithms ensure that financial analyses are both accurate and reliable, providing CRE professionals with data they can trust for critical decision-making. These sophisticated algorithms are designed to process and analyze a multitude of variables, delivering precise insights that enhance the overall quality and credibility of property evaluations.

For instance, in a recent analysis and financial assessment of an apartment complex in a major US market, I asked ChatGPT for the current CAP rates. ChatGPT responded with a CAP rate of 4.00%. However, this rate was from two years ago, and the current CAP rates for apartments in that market had risen to 5.50%. This significant discrepancy highlights the importance of using up-to-date and accurate data. It is crucial for commercial real estate brokers to avoid relying solely on AI for current market information, as it may not always provide the most up-to-date and accurate data needed for informed decision-making.

2. Contextual Understanding

Commercial real estate is complex, involving various factors like market trends, economic indicators, and local regulations. AI, despite its advancements, still struggles with contextual understanding. It might not fully grasp the nuances of local market conditions or the specificities of a property that a seasoned professional or a specialized platform like TheAnalyst PRO would consider. This limitation can lead to misinterpretations and potentially flawed analyses.

AI Overlooks Critical Criteria
3. Limited Scope of Analysis

AI excels at processing large amounts of data quickly, but it has limitations in the scope of analysis it can provide. For instance, AI might overlook critical aspects such as the historical significance of a property, the impact of future developments in the area, or unique characteristics that could affect the property’s value. TheAnalyst PRO, on the other hand, offers tools that enable a thorough and comprehensive analysis, considering all relevant factors to provide a holistic view of the property.

4. Dependence on Historical Data

History Does Not Dictate the Future
AI heavily relies on historical data to make predictions. In the dynamic world of CRE, past trends do not always predict future outcomes accurately. Market conditions can change rapidly due to various factors like economic shifts, policy changes, or unforeseen events. TheAnalyst PRO allows users to input real-time data and current market conditions, ensuring that analyses are up-to-date and relevant.

5. Ethical and Legal Considerations

AI’s data-gathering methods can sometimes raise ethical and legal concerns. Issues such as data privacy, consent, and the potential for biased algorithms are significant considerations. In contrast, TheAnalyst PRO adheres to strict ethical guidelines and legal standards, ensuring that all data used in analyses is confidential and handled responsibly.


While AI has undoubtedly brought innovation and efficiency to many industries, its application in commercial real estate has limitations that professionals must acknowledge. Platforms like TheAnalyst PRO provide a robust addition to your toolkit, offering accurate, reliable, and comprehensive tools for property analysis and marketing. By understanding the limitations of AI and leveraging trusted platforms, CRE professionals can ensure they are making well-informed decisions that will benefit their clients and businesses.

CRE Professionals Need to Understand AI
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